Buck Stuckey
Thomas Bledsoe
Fleet Wilson
Jake Gordon
John Alt
Matt Speidel
Social Chairs
Wm. Hamil
Grant Irons
Kobe Roseman
Alex Hyde
Mike Warren
Risk Mgmt.
David Cowen
Alumni Chair
Mac Craig
Ryan Goodman
Mission Statement

When forming Phi Delta Theta, the founders saw inspiration in the friendship enjoyed by the ancient Greeks. They characterized friendship as a unity of skills, tastes and thoughts; not as a loss of personal identity, but rather a search for truth and a desire to be united with others who sought the same. To put it simply, friendship is being there for each other through life’s trials and to offer sound advice.

Sound Learning
Sound learning means more than getting good grades; it’s about having intellectual curiosity. The founders saw learning as a search for the truth; truth that is found through intellectual quests. A good student isn’t necessarily the one who receives straight A’s; a good student is one who is excited about learning and is driven by knowledge. His drive of continual learning continues after graduation and throughout life.

The six original founders were men of strong Christian faith. Several went on to pursue occupations as ordained ministers. It’s unfortunate that the word ‘rectitude’ brings to mind simply going to church or abstaining from alcohol. The men of Phi Delta Theta know that rectitude has more to do with the way a man approaches living. It revolves around doing what should be done because it’s the right thing to do. In these three ways, a man can live a life of integrity and the men of Phi Delta Theta have counted on the Cardinal Principles to see them through their lives during college and beyond.
Established in 1880, the North Carolina Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta has consistently been one of the top three of four fraternities on campus for the last 60 years. The house, built in 1930, has set the standard for academic, athletic and social excellence for over 120 years. With the recent Capital Campaign, which raised more than one million dollars from over 430 alumni, the house went under renovations that have placed it among the nicest, if not the nicest, house on the Carolina campus. In addition to these renovations, the brothers of Phi Delta Theta have recently raised $666,000 to endow the Matthew Mason Professorship in the College of Arts and Sciences in honor or Matthew Mason who was an important part of the house for over 40 years and a beloved member of the Phi Delta Theta family. The State of North Carolina will contribute $334,000 to complete the $1 million professorship. This incredible alumni support is just one of the many reasons that makes being a brother of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity so special.
Useful Links
- Phi Delta Theta – Fraternity Headquarters
- University of North Carolina – University Page
- UNC Athletics – University Sports Page