
Where in the World Are Phi Delta Theta Brothers
Have you used our Beta Chapter directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for other brothers. The directory

Alumni Profile: Caelan Eckard ’20
We asked our brothers where their favorite hang out spots were at UNC and what their favorite event or tradition was. Read on to see what Caelan Eckard ’20 had to say! Where was your favorite place to go in Chapel Hill, why was this

The Benefits of Brotherhood
As you know, being a part of a fraternity offers more than just a social experience—as Brothers, we gained a sense of community, a place to call home, preparation for post-grad life, and the life-changing, lifelong benefits of friendship, leadership,

Graduate Report: Seth Pinosky ’18
Senior Phi Delt Seth Pinosky Attributes Acceptance to Dental School To Fraternity Experience Senior Seth Pinosky knew since he was in the 9th grade that he wanted to come to UNC for undergrad and go on to UNC’s Dental School.

Celebrating 50 Years as Phi Delts
Our 1967 class celebrated our 50th Class Reunion in May. A group of nine golf-playing brothers decided to forgo the big UNC reunion and have a more intimate bonding over a long weekend which included the UNC-Notre Dame football game